Product details
Authors | Catherine Lawler |
Assisted by | Nicky Armstrong (Illustration), Armstrong Nicky (Illustration) |
Publisher | Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Languages | English |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 22.12.2023 |
EAN | 9781032358000 |
ISBN | 978-1-0-3235800-0 |
No. of pages | 42 |
Series |
Safety Planning with Young Children |
Subjects |
Humanities, art, music
> Education
> Social education, social work
PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / Child & Adolescent, SOCIAL SCIENCE / Social Work, EDUCATION / Special Education / General, SOCIAL SCIENCE / Violence in Society, SOCIAL SCIENCE / Human Services, Psychotherapy, Child & developmental psychology, Psychotherapy: child and adolescent, Teaching of students with different educational needs, Child welfare, domestic violence, Child welfare and youth services, Pre-school & kindergarten, Pre-school and kindergarten, Domestic abuse, Social counselling and advice services, Counselling & Advice Services |
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