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Institutional and Organizational Economics - A Behavioral Game Theory Introduction

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Tore Ellingsen is the Ragnar Söderberg Chair in Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. Klappentext Why do some countries succeed while others struggle? Why are some firms profitable while rivals fail? Why do some marriages thrive and others end in divorce? These questions seem unrelated, but societies, companies, and marriages have one important thing in common: they involve more than one individual. They thus face the same fundamental challenges. How can people be made to help rather than hurt each other? How can they use sacrifice, cooperation, and coercion to promote the common good?In this introductory text, Tore Ellingsen equips readers to answer essential questions around the success and failure of humans in groups, drawing on behavioral game theory, psychology, and sociology. He emphasizes how other-regarding preferences such as altruism and dutifulness matter for societies' prosperity, and analyzes the role of culture in the form of shared values and understandings. One lesson is that cooperation is facilitated when people anticipate that they will hold common memories of past behavior, especially if agreements take precedence over leaders' authority.A groundbreaking text, Institutional and Organizational Economics is essential reading for students and scholars of economics, political science, sociology, and public administration. Zusammenfassung Why do some countries succeed while others struggle? Why are some firms profitable while rivals fail? Why do some marriages thrive and others end in divorce? These questions seem unrelated, but societies, companies, and marriages have one important thing in common: they involve more than one individual. They thus face the same fundamental challenges. How can people be made to help rather than hurt each other? How can they use sacrifice, cooperation, and coercion to promote the common good?In this introductory text, Tore Ellingsen equips readers to answer essential questions around the success and failure of humans in groups, drawing on behavioral game theory, psychology, and sociology. He emphasizes how other-regarding preferences such as altruism and dutifulness matter for societies' prosperity, and analyzes the role of culture in the form of shared values and understandings. One lesson is that cooperation is facilitated when people anticipate that they will hold common memories of past behavior, especially if agreements take precedence over leaders' authority.A groundbreaking text, Institutional and Organizational Economics is essential reading for students and scholars of economics, political science, sociology, and public administration. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface1 The Organizational Challenge2 Sacrifice3 Selfishness, Rationality, and Utility4 Situations, Games, and Cooperation5 Shared Understandings and Values6 Predicting Behavior in Games7 A Model of Anarchy8 Changing the Game9 Coordination10 Authority's Limitations11 Relationships12 Third-party Punishment13 Coercion: Costs and Benefits14 Contracts and Governance15 Limited Liability and Corporate Finance16 Asymmetric Information17 Application: The Oil-Pool Problem18 Conclusion19 More Food for Thought20 Further ReadingPostfaceAnswers to ExercisesNotesReferencesIndex...

Product details

Authors Tore Ellingsen
Publisher Wiley, John and Sons Ltd
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 06.10.2023
EAN 9781509559008
ISBN 978-1-5095-5900-8
No. of pages 240
Subjects Non-fiction book > Politics, society, business > Economics
Social sciences, law, business > Business > Economics

Wirtschaftstheorie, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Politische Ökonomie, Economics, Economic Theory, Political Economics, Economics Special Topics, Spezialthemen Volkswirtschaftslehre

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