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Beyond Matter, Within Space - Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality

English · Paperback / Softback

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Exhibition spaces are physical places of knowledge productionand exchange. Their spatial properties play an importantrole in contextualizing information. Virtual stagings ofexhibitions should therefore retain these properties. TheBeyond Matter research project (2019-23) aims to unravelthe intertwining of physical and virtual structures and theirimpact on spatial aspects in art production, curating, andart education, and thus to identify ways to preserve culturalheritage in the digital age.
This publication offers a comprehensive overview of thediverse research activities, exhibition and book projects,and symposia that have taken place or emerged in thecourse of the international Beyond Matter project at thevarious partner institutions.


Exhibition spaces are physical places of knowledge production
and exchange. Their spatial properties play an important
role in contextualizing information. Virtual stagings of
exhibitions should therefore retain these properties. The

Beyond Matter
research project (2019–23) aims to unravel
the intertwining of physical and virtual structures and their
impact on spatial aspects in art production, curating, and
art education, and thus to identify ways to preserve cultural
heritage in the digital age.

This publication offers a comprehensive overview of the
diverse research activities, exhibition and book projects,
and symposia that have taken place or emerged in the
course of the international
Beyond Matter
project at the
various partner institutions.

Product details

Authors Paul Aguraiuja, Ali Akbar Mehta, Kristaps Ancans, Kristaps e Ancns
Assisted by Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás (Editor), Schädler (Editor), Marianne Schädler (Editor)
Publisher Hatje Cantz Verlag
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 28.08.2023
EAN 9783775756167
ISBN 978-3-7757-5616-7
No. of pages 576
Dimensions 214 mm x 40 mm x 268 mm
Weight 1710 g
Illustrations 350 Abb.
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art > General, dictionaries

Medientheorie, Elektronische Kunst, Künstliche Intelligenz, Artificial Intelligence, Kunst: Themen und Techniken, Wissensproduktion, Kuratieren, Digital Humanities, Kunstproduktion, Kunstvermittlung, auseinandersetzen, Medientechnologie, Virtual Space, ZKM Karlsruhe, Kunst: allgemeine Themen

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