Fr. 44.50

Earth - Over 4 Billion Years in the Making

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Chris Packham CBE is one of the UK’s leading naturalists and an award-winning conservationist. He began his TV career presenting children’s series The Really Wild Show , and has since presented outstanding nature programmes such as Springwatch . Klappentext 'Combines the natural history of programmes such as David Attenborough's Planet Earth with the planetary focus of Brian Cox's Universe' Guardian A beautiful, full colour book to accompany the 5 part BBC TV series telling the most important story of all, the deep history of our own planet. Zusammenfassung ‘Combines the natural history of programmes such as David Attenborough’s Planet Earth with the planetary focus of Brian Cox’s Universe’ Guardian A beautiful, full colour book to accompany the 5 part BBC TV series telling the most important story of all, the deep history of our own planet.

About the author

Chris Packham and Andrew Cohen

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