Product details
Authors | Anita Schalk, Schalk Anita |
Assisted by | Christiane Schmitt (Illustration) |
Publisher | SCM R. Brockhaus |
Languages | German |
Age Recommendation | ages 3 to 5 |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 01.06.2023 |
EAN | 9783417289572 |
ISBN | 978-3-417-28957-2 |
No. of pages | 12 |
Dimensions | 150 mm x 35 mm x 220 mm |
Weight | 177 g |
Illustrations | 4-farbiges Pappbilderbuch mit Stift |
Series |
Der Wasser-Überraschungs-Pinsel Bibelgeschichten |
Subjects |
Children's and young people's books
> Picture books
> Cardboard picture books with and without attachments, tactile picture books
Wasser, Heilung, empfohlenes Alter: ab 3 Jahre, Frühe Kindheit / Frühkindliche Bildung, David, ab 3 Jahren, Jesus, kreativ, entdecken, Altersgruppen: Kinder, Bibelgeschichte, Mose, Samuel, Kindersegnung, Zauberstift, pinsel, Zauberpinsel, Wasserüberraschungspinsel, Magic Book, empfohlenes Alter: ab ca. 3 Jahre |
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