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Informationen zum Autor McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide Klappentext Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. > >This much anticipated follow-up to the wildly popular cultclassic Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius gives basement experimenters 40 all-new projects to tinker with. Following the tried-and-true Evil Genius Series format, each project includes a detailed list of materials, sources for parts, schematics, documentation, and lots of clear, well-illustrated instructions for easy assembly. The convenient two-column format makes following step-by-step instructions a breeze. Readers will also get a quick briefing on mathematical theory and a simple explanation of operation along with enjoyable descriptions of key electronics topics such as various methods of acceleration, power conditioning, energy storage, magnetism, and kinetics. Zusammenfassung The perfect follow-up to our wildly successful Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius, complete with 40 more “wicked” projects and all the plans needed to build them. Inhaltsverzeichnis Chapter One: Battery-Powered Infrared Pulsed LaserChapter Two: High-Speed Laser Pulse DetectorChapter Three: Ultra-Bright Green Laser ProjectChapter Four: 115 VAC, 5- 50-Watt Pulsed Infrared LaserChapter Five: Laser PropertyChapter Six: 30-Milliwatt, 980-Nanometer Infrared LaserChapter Seven: High-Voltage, High-Frequency Driver ModuleChapter Eight: Negative Ion Machine with Reaction-Emitting RotorChapter Nine: Kirlian Imaging ProjectChapter Ten: Plasma Etching and Burning PenChapter Eleven: How to Electrify Objects and VehiclesChapter Twelve: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) GunChapter Thirteen: Microwave CannonChapter Fourteen: Induction HeaterChapter Fifteen: 50-Kilovolt Laboratory DC SupplyChapter Sixteen: Magnetic High-Impact CannonChapter Seventeen: Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil ProjectChapter Eighteen: Universal Capacitance Discharge Ignition (CDI) DriverChapter Nineteen: Long-Range Telephone Conversation TransmitterChapter Twenty: Line-Powered Telephone Conversation TransmitterChapter Twenty-One: Remote Wireless FM RepeaterChapter Twenty-Two: Tracking and Homing TransmitterChapter Twenty-Three: Snooper Phone Room-Listening DeviceChapter Twenty-Four: Long-Range FM Voice TransmitterChapter Twenty-Five: FM Pocket Radio and TV DisrupterChapter Twenty-Six: Ozone Generator for Water TreatmentChapter Twenty-Seven: Therapeutic Magnetic PulserChapter Twenty-Eight: Noise Curtain GeneratorChapter Twenty-Nine: Mind-Synchronizing GeneratorChapter Thirty: Alternative Health Multiwave MachineChapter Thirty-One: Mind ManglerChapter Thirty-Two: 500-Milligram Ozone Air Purification SystemChapter Thirty-Three: Invisible Pain-Field GeneratorChapter Thirty-Four: Canine ControllerChapter Thirty-Five: Ultrasonic Phaser Pain-Field GeneratorChapter Thirty-Six: Magnetic Distortion DetectorChapter Thirty-Seven: Body Heat DetectorChapter Thirty-Eight: Ion and Field DetectorChapter Thirty-Nine: Light Saber Recycling StandChapter Forty: Andromeda Plasma LampINDEX...