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Informationen zum Autor Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, PhD, received his diploma in electrical and mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and his MS in information science and PhD in engineering science (bio-information systems) from the California Institute of Technology. He is currently a professor in the faculty of the Biomedical and Electrical Engineering Departments at USC, where he served as chairman of Biomedical Engineering from 1990 to 1996. He is also Codirector of the Biomedical Simulations Resource (BMSR), a research center dedicated to modeling and simulation of physiological systems and funded by the National Institutes of Health through multimillion-dollar grants since 1985. Klappentext The study of nonlinearities in physiology has been hindered by the lack of effective ways to obtain nonlinear dynamic models from stimulus-response data in a practical context. A considerable body of knowledge has accumulated over the last thirty years in this area of research. This book summarizes that progress, and details the most recent methodologies that offer practical solutions to this daunting problem. Implementation and application are discussed, and examples are provided using both synthetic and actual experimental data.This essential study of nonlinearities in physiology apprises researchers and students of the latest findings and techniques in the field. Zusammenfassung The study of nonlinearities in physiology has been hindered by the lack of effective ways to obtain nonlinear dynamic models from stimulus-response data in a practical context. A considerable body of knowledge has accumulated over the last thirty years in this area of research. This book summarizes that progress, and details the most recent methodologies that offer practical solutions to this daunting problem. Implementation and application are discussed, and examples are provided using both synthetic and actual experimental data.This essential study of nonlinearities in physiology apprises researchers and students of the latest findings and techniques in the field. Inhaltsverzeichnis Prologue xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of this Book 1 1.2 Advocated Approach 4 1.3 The Problem of System Modeling in Physiology 6 1.3.1 Model Specification and Estimation 10 1.3.2 Nonlinearity and Nonstationarity 12 1.3.3 Definition of the Modeling Problem 13 1.4 Types of Nonlinear Models of Physiological Systems 13 Example 1.1. Vertebrate Retina 15 Example 1.2. Invertebrate Photoreceptor 18 Example 1.3. Volterra analysis of Riccati Equation 19 Example 1.4. Glucose-Insulin Minimal Model 21 Example 1.5. Cerebral Autoregulation 22 1.5 Deductive and Inductive Modeling 24 Historical Note #1: Hippocratic and Galenic Views of 26 Integrative Physiology 2 Nonparametric Modeling 29 2.1 Volterra Models 31 2.1.1 Examples of Volterra Models 37 Example 2.1. Static Nonlinear System 37 Example 2.2. L-N Cascade System 38 Example 2.3. L-N-M "Sandwich" System 39 Example 2.4. Riccati System 40 2.1.2 Operational Meaning of the Volterra Kernels 41 Impulsive Inputs 42 Sinusoidal Inputs 43 Remarks on the Meaning of Volterra Kernels 45 2.1.3 Frequency-Domain Representation of the Volterra Models 45 2.1.4 Discrete-Time Volterra Models 47 2.1.5 Estimation of Volterra Kernels 49 Specialized Test Inputs 50 Arbitrary Inputs 52 Fast Exact Orthogonalization and Parallel-Cascade Methods 55 Iterative Cost-Minimization Methods for Non-Gaussian 55 Residuals 2.2 Wiener Models 57 2.2.1 Relation between Volterra and Wiener Models 60 The Wiener Class of Systems 62 Examples of Wiener Models 63 Comparison of Volterra/Wiener Model Predictions 64

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