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Explorations political psychology

English · Paperback / Softback

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"This book will be indispensable to any serious student of political psychology. The editors, themselves among the most prominent schoalrs in the field, have brought together a first-rate lineup of authors. Not only are the chapters comprehensive, but they offer [many] ideas for future research. More than anything else, this reader says that political psychology has a bright future."--James H. Kuklinski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

List of contents

List of Tables and Figures vii

Acknowledgments xi

I. Interdisciplinary Cross-Fertilization

1. An Overview of the Field of Political Psychology / Shanto Iyengar 3

2. The Poly-Psy Relationship: Three Phases of a Long Affair / William J.McGuire 9

3. Psychohistory and Political Psychology: A Comparative Analysis / William McKinley Runyan 36

II. Attitudes and Behavior

4. Political Perception / Donald Granberg 70

5. Symbolic Politics: A Socio-Psychological Theory / David O. Sears 113

6. Nonverbal Behavior and Leadership: Emotion and Cognition in Political Information Processing / Roger D. Masters and Denis G. Sullivan 150

7. The Psychology of Group Conflict and the Dynamics of Oppression: A Social Dominance Perspective / James Sidanius 183

III. Information Processing and Cognition

8. Inside the Mental Voting Booth: An Impression-Driven Process Model of Candidate Evaluation / Milton Lodge and Patrick Stroh 225

9. Political Information Processing / Robert S. Wyer, Jr., and Victor C. Ottati 264

10. Affect and Political Judgment / Victor C. Ottati and Robert S. Wyer, Jr. 296

IV. Decision Making and Choice

11. Information and Electoral Attitudes: A Case of Judgment Under Uncertainty / Stephen Ansolabehere and Shanto Iyengar 321

12. The Drunkard's Search / Robert Jervis 338

13. Decision Making in Presidential Primaries / Samuel L. Popkin 361

14. Cognitive Structural Analysis of Political Rhetoric: Methodological and Theoretical Issues / Philip E. Tetlock 380

References 407

Index 467

Contributors 483

About the author

Shanto Iyengar is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.
William J. McGuire is Professor of Psychology at Yale University.

Product details

Authors Iyengar, s mcguire Iyengar
Assisted by Shanto Iyengar (Editor), William McGuire (Editor), William J. McGuire (Editor)
Publisher External catalogues US
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 30.06.1993
EAN 9780822313243
ISBN 978-0-8223-1324-3
Dimensions 150 mm x 230 mm x 33 mm
Series Post-Contemporary Intervention
Duke Studies in Political Psychology
Duke Studies in Political Psychology
Post-Contemporary Intervention
Duke Studies in Political Psyc
Subjects Education and learning > Teaching preparation > Vocational needs
Social sciences, law, business > Political science > Political science and political education

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