Fr. 16.20

Guru Ani Shishyachi katha / गुरु आणी शिष्यचि कथा

Marathi · Paperback / Softback

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In this book, the relationship of Guru and disciple has been told and love and devotion towards Guru and other story which is based on this book, no religion and no caste has been harmed or harmed while writing this book and this book It is written by Mr Vivek Kumar Pandey Shambhunath.

Product details

Authors Vivek
Publisher Harpercollins 360
Languages Marathi
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 19.07.2021
EAN 9781639979394
ISBN 978-1-63997-939-4
No. of pages 36
Dimensions 140 mm x 216 mm x 2 mm
Weight 60 g
Subject Non-fiction book > Philosophy, religion > Religion: general, reference works

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