Product details
Authors | Torsten W Müller, Torsten W (Dr.) Müller, Torsten W. Müller |
Publisher | Sutton Verlag GmbH |
Languages | German |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 01.12.2022 |
EAN | 9783963034558 |
ISBN | 978-3-96303-455-8 |
No. of pages | 128 |
Dimensions | 165 mm x 9 mm x 236 mm |
Weight | 346 g |
Subjects |
Non-fiction book
> History
> Regional and national histories
Geschichte, Thüringen, Bildband, Alltagsgeschichte, historischer Bildband, Regionalia, Alte Fotos, Heimatgeschichte, Archivbilder, Heiligenstadt, Eichsfeld, Duderstadt, Worbis, Leinefelde |
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