Fr. 65.50

A Brief History of Chinese Shaman 's Establishment of State

Chinese · Paperback / Softback

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"Shaman", the word from the Tungusic language "saman" and the North American Indian "shamman", the original meaning contains: wise, proficient, inquiry, and later gradually evolved into the shaman to teach the gods of the people, is the god of shaman of the incarnation.
In Chinese history, there is a way to establish a state, that is, through the mysticism of the religion to carry out, this book called "Shaman to establish a state" , to distinguish it from other founding methods, such as the warlords to establish a state , the ethnic minorities to establish a state , The palace coup to establish a state.

Product details

Authors Xuanjun Xie
Languages Chinese
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 14.09.2017
EAN 9781387223831
ISBN 978-1-387-22383-1
No. of pages 690
Dimensions 152 mm x 229 mm x 40 mm
Weight 1102 g
Subject Humanities, art, music > History

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