Product details
Authors | Lynette Eason, Eason Lynette |
Assisted by | Susanne Naumann (Translation) |
Publisher | SCM Hänssler |
Original title | Protecting Tanner Hollow - Lethal Agenda |
Languages | German |
Product format | Book |
Released | 16.01.2023 |
EAN | 9783775161794 |
ISBN | 978-3-7751-6179-4 |
No. of pages | 144 |
Dimensions | 126 mm x 12 mm x 209 mm |
Weight | 148 g |
Series |
Spannung und Romantik für Zwischendurch |
Subjects |
> Narrative literature
> Contemporary literature (from 1945)
Forensik, Bezug zu Christen und christlichen Gruppen, Krimi, Kurzkrimi, Serie, christlicher Krimi, Krimireihe, Spionagethriller, North Carolina, Abtauchen, Action & Abenteuer, Novellen, Krimi für Frauen, amerikanische Kleinstadt, Dani Pettrey, Unvorhersehbar, Nervenkitzeln, Lesepause, Tanner Hollow |
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