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Informationen zum Autor Marc Edelman is Professor of Anthropology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Angelique Haugerud is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University. Klappentext Development -- is it a powerful vision of a better life for the half of the world's population who subsist on two dollars a day? Or is it a failed Enlightenment legacy, an oppressive 'master narrative'? Such questions inspire a field newly animated by theories of globalization, modernity, cultural hybridity, and transnationalism. The Anthropology of Development and Globalization is a collection of readings that provides an unprecedented overview of this field that ranges from its classical origins to today's debates about the 'magic' of the free market. The volume is framed by an encyclopedic introduction that will prove indispensable to students and experts alike. Subsequent readings range from classics by Weber and Marx and Engels to contemporary works on the politics of development knowledge, consumption, environment, gender, international NGO networks, the International Monetary Fund, campaigns to reform the World Bank, the collapse of socialism, and the limits of "post-developmentalism." Explicitly designed for teaching, The Anthropology of Development and Globalization fills a crucial gap; no other available text so richly mingles historical, cultural, political, and economic perspectives on development and globalization, and none captures such a wide variety of theoretical approaches and topics as does this exciting collection. Zusammenfassung The Anthropology of Development and Globalization is a collection of readings that provides an unprecedented overview of this field that ranges from the field's classical origins to today's debates about the "magic" of the free market. Inhaltsverzeichnis Acknowledgments. Introduction: The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud. Part I: Classical Foundations:. Introduction. 1. Of the Accumulation of Capital! or Of Productive and Unproductive Labor: Adam Smith. 2. Manifesto of the Communist Party:Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. 3. The Evolution of the Capitalistic Spirit:Max Weber. 4. The Self--Regulating Market and the Fictitious Commodities: Labor! Land! and Money: Karl Polyani. Part II: What is "Development"? Twentieth--Century Debates:. Introduction. 5. The Rise and Fall of Development Theory: Colin Leys. 6. The History and Politics of Development Knowledge: Frederick Cooper and Randall Packard. 7. Anthropology and Its Evil Twin: "Development" in the Constitution of a Discipline: James Ferguson. Part III: From Development to Globalization:. Introduction. 8. Globalization! Dis--integration! Re--organization: The Transformations of Violence: Jonathan Friedman. 9. The Globalization Movement: Some Points of Clarification: David Graeber. 10. Globalization After September 11: Saskia Sassen. 11. Millennial Capitalismand the Culture of Neoliberalism: Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff. Part IV: Consumption! Markets! Culture:. Introduction. 12. Agricultural Involution Revisited:Clifford Geertz. 13. Nontraditional Commodities and Structural Adjustment in Africa: Peter D. Little and Catherine S. Dolan. 14. Market Mentalities! Iron Satellite Dishes! and Contested Cultural Developmentalism: Louisa Schein. 15. A Theory of Virtualism: Consumption as Negation: Daniel Miller. 16. Is Culture a Barrier to Change?: Emma Crewe and Elizabeth Harrison. Part V: Gender! Work! and Networks:. Introduction. 17. "Men--streaming" Gender? Question for Gender and Development Policy in the Twenty--first Century: Sylvia Chant and Matthew Gutmann. 18. Deterritorialziation and Workplace Culture: Jane Collins. 19. The Network Inside Out:Annelise Riles. Part VI: Nature! Environment! and Biotechnology:. Introduction...