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The office of good intentions : human(s) work

English · Paperback / Softback

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Half a century after the first email was sent, it's time to take stock of the precarious relationship between space, work, and humans within the office environment. This book offers a reflection on the buildings and the objects designed over the last half century to aid and abet humans in their pursuit of work, occupations, and livelihoods. In a collection of essays, musings, and drawings, with photo essays by Iwan Baan, Human(s) Work examines the intention and impact of office design on working humans-a fascinating take on the forms office spaces have and may assume in the future.

Product details

Authors Iwan Baan, Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen
Assisted by Iwan Baan (Photographs)
Publisher Taschen
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 16.12.2022
EAN 9783836574365
ISBN 978-3-8365-7436-5
No. of pages 592
Dimensions 170 mm x 220 mm x 30 mm
Weight 1094 g
Series Various
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art

Arbeitsplatz, Fotografie, Unternehmen, Arbeit, Architektur, Design, Büro, Verstehen, TASCHEN, Architektur: Innenarchitektur, Gebäude, Objekte, Umgebung, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Arbeiter, Arbeitsplätze, Organisationen, Büroleben, Iwan Baan, Architekten, LeeAnn Suen, hauptsitz, arbeitsräume, Florian Idenburg

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