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In A Philosophers' Manifesto a diverse range of leading philosophers from around the world present the philosophical case for a new policy or law they think will make an improvement in the world. The proposals range across questions of punishment, state ownership, education, freedom, democratic and economic inclusion. They draw in perspectives from Europe, the Americas, East Asia, Africa and India. This collection presents robust arguments for some radical new approaches to social and political issues, showing exactly how philosophy can be of real, practical benefit, especially in these fractious times.
List of contents
Introduction Julian Baggini; 1. In defense of anti-racist training Myisha Cherry; 2. For state-funded inter-religious education Rajeev Bhargava; 3. The public option Diane Coyle; 4. On the merits and limits of nationalising the fossil fuel industry Fergus Green and Ingrid Robeyns; 5. Philosophical reflections on the idea of a universal basic income Catherine Rowett; 6. No more benefit cheats Simon Duffy and Jonathan Wolff; 7. A reconciliation theory of state punishment: an alternative to protection and retribution Thaddeus Metz; 8. How should liberal democratic governments treat conscientious disobedience as a response to state injustice?: A proposal Brian Wong and Joseph Chan; 9. Irregular migration, historical injustice and the right to exclude Lea Ypi; 10. Radical democratic inclusion: why we should lower the voting age to 12 Martin O'Neill; 11. Membership rights for animals Will Kymlicka; 12. Individual freedom in the Post-Corona era Heisook Kim; 13. In defense of a mandatory public service requirement Debra Satz; 14. The wisdom of mentor Jesse Norman.
In A Philosophers' Manifesto leading philosophers from around the world present the case for a new policy or law they think will make an improvement in the world. This collection presents arguments for new approaches to social and political issues, showing how philosophy can be of real, practical benefit, especially in these fractious times.