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The Ultimate Interview Book - Tackle Tough Interview Questions, Succeed at Numeracy Tests, Get

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Mac Bride is a successful computer author who brings over 20 years of teaching experience to his writing. Klappentext THE ULTIMATE INTERVIEW BOOK gives you everything you need to succeed in business. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible. Vorwort THE ULTIMATE INTERVIEW BOOK gives you everything you need to succeed in business. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible. Zusammenfassung THE ULTIMATE INTERVIEW BOOK gives you everything you need to succeed in business. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible.

Product details

Authors Hanco, Jonathan Hancock, Peter MacBride, Mo Shapiro, Alison Straw
Publisher Teach Yourself
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 02.02.2023
EAN 9781473689251
ISBN 978-1-4736-8925-1
No. of pages 464
Dimensions 134 mm x 214 mm x 36 mm
Subjects Guides > Law, job, finance > Training, job, career
Humanities, art, music > Education > Education system
Social sciences, law, business > Business > Management

EDUCATION / Adult & Continuing Education

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