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Non-Things: Upheaval in the Lifeworld - Upheaval in the Lifeworld

English · Paperback / Softback

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We no longer inhabit earth and dwell under the sky: these are being replaced by Google Earth and the Cloud. The terrestrial order is giving way to a digital order, the world of things is being replaced by a world of non-things - a constantly expanding 'infosphere' of information and communication which displaces objects and obliterates any stillness and calmness in our lives.
Byung-Chul Han's critique of the infosphere highlights the price we are paying for our growing preoccupation with information and communication. Today we search for more information without gaining any real knowledge. We communicate constantly without participating in a community. We save masses of data without keeping track of our memories. We accumulate friends and followers without encountering other people. This is how information develops a form of life that has no stability or duration. And as we become increasingly absorbed in the infosphere, we lose touch with the magic of things which provide a stable environment for dwelling and give continuity to human life. The infosphere may seem to grant us new freedoms but it creates new forms of control too, and it cuts us off from the kind of freedom that is tied to acting in the world.
This new book by one of the most creative cultural theorists writing today will be of interest to a wide readership.

List of contents

From Things to Non-Things
From Possessing to Experiencing
Artifical Intelligence
Views of Things
The Villainy of Things
The Reverse of Things
The Magic of Things
The Forgetfulness of Things in Art
Heidegger's Hand
Things Close to the Heart
Excursus on the Jukebox

About the author

Byung-Chul Han is the author of more than twenty books including The Burnout Society, Saving Beauty and The Scent of Time.


We no longer inhabit earth and dwell under the sky: these are being replaced by Google Earth and the Cloud. The terrestrial order is giving way to a digital order, the world of things is being replaced by a world of non-things - a constantly expanding 'infosphere' of information and communication which displaces objects and obliterates any stillness and calmness in our lives.

Byung-Chul Han's critique of the infosphere highlights the price we are paying for our growing preoccupation with information and communication. Today we search for more information without gaining any real knowledge. We communicate constantly without participating in a community. We save masses of data without keeping track of our memories. We accumulate friends and followers without encountering other people. This is how information develops a form of life that has no stability or duration. And as we become increasingly absorbed in the infosphere, we lose touch with the magic of things which provide a stable environment for dwelling and give continuity to human life. The infosphere may seem to grant us new freedoms but it creates new forms of control too, and it cuts us off from the kind of freedom that is tied to acting in the world.

This new book by one of the most creative cultural theorists writing today will be of interest to a wide readership.


"Byung-Chul Han [...] has sounded the alarm about the next and even more sinister stage of societal evolution, wherein the terrestrial order itself gives way to the rising digital order."
Matthew Olemesky, The American Spectator

Product details

Authors Han, B Han, Byung-chul Han, Daniel Steuer
Assisted by Daniel Steuer (Translation), Steuer Daniel (Translation)
Publisher Polity Press
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 30.04.2022
EAN 9781509551705
ISBN 978-1-5095-5170-5
No. of pages 110
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Philosophy

Soziologie, Philosophie, Gesellschaftstheorie, Kritische Theorie, Sociology, Social Theory, Philosophy, Critical Theory, Allg. Philosophie

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