Fr. 21.50

Tara Bandu

Tetum · Paperback / Softback

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In the village when Tarabandu period is ongoing, no one is allowed to pick coconut and other fruit trees.

Iha foho, bainhira tempu Tarabandu la'o hela, laiha ema ida mak bele ku'u nuu no ai-fuan sira seluk.

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Product details

Authors Criscencia Viana Gusmao
Publisher Library For All Ltd
Languages Tetum
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 19.08.2021
EAN 9781922621955
ISBN 978-1-922621-95-5
No. of pages 24
Dimensions 148 mm x 210 mm x 2 mm
Weight 62 g
Subject Children's and young people's books > First reading age, pre-school age

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