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The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - Vol. VIII - Teachings 208 - 241

English · Paperback / Softback

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The 12-volume workLibro de la Vida Verdadera (Book of True Life) is a legacyto all humanity and is registered in the"Dirección General del Derecho deAutor de la Secretaría de Educación Pública"in Mexico D.F. under the numbers 26002, 20111 and 83848.More information about the Spanish original edition:Asociación de Estudios Espirituales Vida Verdadera, A.C.Apartado Postal 888, México, D.F., - C.P. 06000and the Basis of The Third Testament for the Third Time,a Compendium of 366 teachings of the Book of True Liferevealed by Jesus Christ 1884 - 1950 to voice bearers in MexicoResponsible for the German translation, the preface to theGerman edition, the explanations, footnotes, notes andreferences to the work are:Walter Maier and Traugott Göltenboth.Status: October 2016Translation from German to Englishwith DeepL ProVersion Translatorby Anna Maria Hosta December 2020

Product details

Authors Anna Maria Hosta, Anna Maria Hosta, Anna Maria Hosta
Publisher Bookmundo Direct
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.01.2021
EAN 9789403631073
ISBN 978-94-0-363107-3
Dimensions 148 mm x 28 mm x 210 mm
Subject Humanities, art, music > Religion/theology > Other religions

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