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Clóca Mhordáin

Irish · Paperback / Softback

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Written in the Irish language (Gaeilge), the Cloak of Mordán follows the life of Donncha Ó Cualáin. Growing up in Conamara on the West Coast of Ireland, Donncha loved listening to traditional Irish storytellers. These wise men wandered the land telling of all the magical history and traditions of Ireland. Donncha is enthralled by one such story. Striking a chord deep within Donncha's being, he would carry the tenets of that story as he grows into a young man before eventually emigrating to America. With all he held dear now across the ocean in Ireland, Donncha clings to the traditions and stories he knows best, as he struggles with the changes in his life in a new country. The book is also available in English.

Product details

Authors M. J. Ó Gréacháin, M. J. Ó. Gréacháin
Assisted by David Crowley (Illustration)
Languages Irish
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 09.12.2015
EAN 9781678084936
ISBN 978-1-67808-493-6
No. of pages 66
Dimensions 152 mm x 229 mm x 4 mm
Weight 111 g
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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