Fr. 18.50

Nineteen Eighty-Four

English · Hardback

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Winston Smith lives in a nightmare world where the Thought Police spy on everyone and children are taught to betray their parents. Even the smallest sign of disagreement with the Party results in torture, imprisonment, or death. Big Brother oversees everything - but who is he? Winston tries hard to keep his thoughts and fears to himself. But then he meets Julia, a strong-minded young woman who is willing to run the terrible risk of their being found together. Will kindly Mr Charrington keep their secret? Can Winston and Julia find happiness despite the dangers that threaten them?

Product details

Authors George Orwell
Assisted by Tony Evans (Reader / Narrator), Angelo Ruta (Illustration), TBC TBC (Illustration), Tony Evans (Editor)
Publisher Baker Street Press
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 31.12.2020
EAN 9781912464456
ISBN 978-1-912464-45-6
No. of pages 64
Dimensions 137 mm x 204 mm x 12 mm
Series Baker Street Readers
Subject Children's and young people's books > Children's books up to 11 years of age

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