Fr. 19.50

Welcome Home - A Memoir with Selected Photographs and Letters

English · Paperback

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Informationen zum Autor Lucia Berlin (1936–2004) worked brilliantly but sporadically throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Her stories are inspired by her early childhood in various Western mining towns; her glamorous teenage years in Santiago, Chile; three failed marriages; a lifelong problem with alcoholism; her years spent in Berkeley, New Mexico, and Mexico City; and the various jobs she held to support her writing and her four sons. Sober and writing steadily by the 1990s, she took a visiting writer's post at the University of Colorado in Boulder in 1994 and was soon promoted to associate professor. In 2001, in failing health, she moved to Southern California to be near her sons. She died in 2004 in Marina del Rey. Lucia's books include A Manual for Cleaning Women , Welcome Home , and Evening in Paradise . Klappentext 'The revival of the great Lucia Berlin continues apace' New York Times 'A jigsaw-puzzle portrait of a long-neglected literary legend, baring the autobiographical material that filtered so forcefully into her fiction' Vogue Best known for her short fiction, it was upon publication of A Manual for Cleaning Women in 2015 that Lucia Berlin's status as a great American writer was widely celebrated. To populate her stories - the places, relationships, the sentiments - Berlin often drew on her own rich, itinerant life. Before Berlin died, she was working on a book of previously unpublished autobiographical sketches called Welcome Home . The work consisted of more than twenty chapters that started in 1936 in Alaska and ended (prematurely) in 1966 in southern Mexico. In our publication of Welcome Home , her son Jeff Berlin is filling in the gaps with letters from, and photos of, friends and lovers drawn from her eventful, romantic, and tragic life. '[Berlin] writes candidly about what she enjoyed and endured . . . Whether describing lucky breaks or hard knocks, her prose is intense and intimate, at once disconcerting and entrancing' The Economist 'This never-before-published memoir [is] cause for jubilation' Boston Globe Zusammenfassung 'Evocative . . . poignant . . . acute and funny' Observer 'The Revival of the Great Lucia Berlin Continues Apace' New York Times Best known for her short fiction, it was upon publication of A Manual for Cleaning Women in 2015 that Lucia Berlin’s status as a great American writer was widely celebrated. To populate her stories – the places, relationships, the sentiments – Berlin often drew on her own rich, itinerant life. Before Berlin died, she was working on a book of previously unpublished autobiographical sketches called Welcome Home . The work consisted of more than twenty chapters that started in 1936 in Alaska and ended (prematurely) in 1966 in southern Mexico. In our publication of Welcome Home , her son Jeff Berlin is filling in the gaps with photos and letters from her eventful, romantic, and tragic life. From Alaska to Argentina, Kentucky to Mexico, New York City to Chile, Berlin’s world was wide. And the writing here is, as we’ve come to expect, dazzling. She describes the places she lived and the people she knew with all the style and wit and heart and humour that readers fell in love with in her stories. ...

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