Fr. 380.00

Leonor Fini - Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings

English, German · Hardback

New edition in preparation, currently unavailable


Product details

Authors Richard Overstreet, P Webb, Rowland Weinstein
Assisted by Richard Overstreet (Editor), Neil Zukerman (Editor), Rowland Weinstein (Foreword), Neil P. Zukerman (Introduction)
Publisher Scheidegger
Languages English, German
Product format Hardback
Released 31.01.2021
EAN 9783858818430
ISBN 978-3-85881-843-0
No. of pages 648
Dimensions 240 mm x 300 mm x 73 mm
Weight 4775 g
Illustrations 1082 farbige und 339 s/w-Abbildungen
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art > Plastic arts

Moderne Kunst, Kunst, Surrealismus, Künste, Bildende Kunst allgemein, einzelne Künstler, Künstlermonografien, Malerei und Gemälde, Malerei, Künstlerinnen, Ölmalerei, bildende Kunst, Werverzeichnis, Catalogue raisonné, Leonor Fini, Richard Overstreet, Neil Zukerman

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