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Informationen zum Autor Lauren L. Hill, Surferin und Schriftstellerin, hat in den letzten zehn Jahren neue Wellenarten und Surf-Kulturen rund um die Welt mit einem öko-feministischen Blick erforscht und dokumentiert. Lauren hat einen Abschluss in Umwelt- und Sozialwissenschaften von der Stetson University. Als Senior Writer arbeitete sie für das Surfing World Magazine und war in einigen preisgekrönten Dokumentationen zu sehen wie The Church of the Open Sky, Bella Vita, Beyond the Surface und Transparentsea Voyage. In ihrem Podcast Waterpeople trifft die Australierin Menschen aus der Wassersport-Szene und diskutiert mit ihnen über Umweltschutz und kulturelle Ereignisse.@theseakin @waterpeoplepodcast Klappentext Join the celebration of the diverse, vibrant, and engaged community of women riding and making waves around the globe. While surfing is usually seen as a male domain, women have long been nurturing their own water stories and claiming their rightful place in the world of this sport. She Surf hails the females, past and present, who are engaged in expanding the art of surfing. Through exclusive interviews and evocative imagery, the book travels from the iconic waves of Hawaii to remote locations in Morocco. Learn about the forgotten stories of Polynesian surfing princesses, pioneering wave riders from the 1960s, and the contemporary movers and shakers shaping the scene. This book is an exciting reflection on what it means to be a female surfer and what it means to be moved to action by the beauty of the sea. Zusammenfassung Join the celebration of the diverse! vibrant! and engaged community of women riding and making waves around the globe.While surfing is usually seen as a male domain! women have long been nurturing their own water stories and claiming their rightful place in the world of this sport. She Surf hails the females! past and present! who are engaged in expanding the art of surfing. Through exclusive interviews and evocative imagery! the book travels from the iconic waves of Hawaii to remote locations in Morocco. Learn about the forgotten stories of Polynesian surfing princesses! pioneering wave riders from the 1960s! and the contemporary movers and shakers shaping the scene. This book is an exciting reflection on what it means to be a female surfer and what it means to be moved to action by the beauty of the sea. ...

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