Fr. 20.50

Emanon Wanderer Part I

English · Paperback / Softback

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Emanon's wanderings across late-1960s Japan bring her across other lives in small country towns, with each encounter leaving people transformed in her wake. Yet when love once again leads to pregnancy and the start of a new cycle in Emanon's birth and rebirth, she is confronted with something she has never before borne: twins, one of them, for the first time, a boy. Will he too grow up to inherit her immortal memories, as all her daughters have before? Vol. 2 of four.

Product details

Authors Shinji Kaijo, Shinj Kajio, Shinji Kajio, Dana Lewis, Kenji Tsurata, Kenji Tsuruta
Assisted by Kenji Tsurata (Illustration)
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 31.08.2019
EAN 9781506709826
ISBN 978-1-5067-0982-6
No. of pages 216
Dimensions 145 mm x 209 mm x 16 mm
Subject Fiction > Comic, cartoon, humour, satire

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