Product details
Authors | Tony Holmes |
Publisher | Motorbuch Verlag |
Languages | German |
Product format | Hardback |
Released | 27.06.2019 |
EAN | 9783613041929 |
ISBN | 978-3-613-04192-9 |
No. of pages | 192 |
Dimensions | 236 mm x 272 mm x 18 mm |
Weight | 1054 g |
Illustrations | 200 Abb. |
Subjects |
> Motor vehicles, aircraft, ships, space travel
> Military vehicles, aircraft, ships
Militärflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Kalter Krieg, US-Army, US-Navy, Militär, NATO, Flugzeugträger, Motorbuch, Ingenieurwissenschaften, US Navy, AIM- 54 Phonix, Der letzte Countdown, Tom Cruise, TARPS, LANTIRN, Top Gun, Hughes AN/ AWG-9, APG-71 Gatling, Aim-9 Sidewiner, AIM-7 Sparrow, US- Träger, Trägerkaphgruppe, AIM- 120 AMRAAM, Grumman F-14, Tomcat |
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