Fr. 26.30

Civil War Two, Part 2 - America Elects a President Determined to Restore Religion to Public Life, and the Nation Splits

English · Paperback / Softback

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In Part 1 of Civil War Two, President Jennings tried to Make America Christian Again. The Secular States would have none of it.
The President declared war to stop America's dissolution, no matter the consequences.
Now America has been killing itself for 2 long years; Christian states versus secular. The world's most advanced military has divided against itself. New York City is under attack.
There's no end in sight and seemingly no hope of the nation ever healing.
America survived one Civil War-but are the divisions now just too great? How bad do things have to get before everyone has had enough?
When Americans turn on each other, there's no turning back. Can America be saved?

Product details

Authors Randall Collins
Publisher Maren Ink
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 08.05.2018
EAN 9781732060531
ISBN 978-1-73206-053-1
No. of pages 340
Dimensions 152 mm x 229 mm x 19 mm
Weight 494 g
Series Civil War Two
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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