Fr. 78.00

A Collection of Classics about Tian Zi¿the Son of Heaven¿with Annotations (¿¿·¿¿¿)

Chinese · Hardback

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What follows is works written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, bearing the title A Memorial to Throne about Tian Zi¿the Son of Heaven¿or Conqueror of the World, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd. In 2002 , for deeper understanding by readers, Mr Xie made some readjustments by dividing the book into a part of the text and a part of annotations, giving the title A Collection of Classics about Tian Zi¿the Son of Heaven¿with Annotations, and published its electronic version. Now the book is to be reprinted after some revisions.

Product details

Authors Xuanjun Xie
Languages Chinese
Product format Hardback
Released 30.10.2015
EAN 9781329645936
ISBN 978-1-329-64593-6
No. of pages 558
Dimensions 157 mm x 235 mm x 34 mm
Weight 951 g
Subject Humanities, art, music > History

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