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This book explores tourism in central and eastern Europe through a series of case studies from Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, and Poland. The contributors to this edited collection touch on broader issues like identity, gender, visuality, memory, heritage, intercultural relationships, and globalization.
List of contents
Foreword by Michä Buchowski
Part I: Bridging Academic Worlds: An Insider-Outsider's Perspective
Introduction: Anthropological Studies on Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz and Sabina Owsianowska
Chapter 1: Inside and Outside the Anglophone Snake - Alterities and Opportunities by Nelson Graburn
PART 2: Anthropology and Tourism: Relationships in Theory and Practice
Chapter 2: The Sarajevo Library, the Mostar Bridge, and Anthropology of Travel, Tourism and Pilgrimage by Tom Selwyn
Chapter 3: Engaging with the Hosts and Guests: Some Methodological Reflections on the Anthropology of Tourism by Maarja Kaaristo
Chapter 4: A Map or a Calendar? Travelers' Imaginary and a Travel Framework (The Case of Poland Following the Economic and Political Transformation) by Anna Wieczorkiewicz
Chapter 5: At a Crossroads of Cognition. Travels of Philosophy and Philosophy of Travels by Maria Zowis¿o
Chapter 6: Traveling and Politics. A Reflection on the Russian Tourism in the Past and Today by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz
Chapter 7: Mediating Central and Eastern Europe in Tourism Discourse by Sabina Owsianowska
Part III: Anthropological Inspirations in Tourism Studies: From the Workshop of Central and Eastern European Researchers
Chapter 8: Here Come the Barbarians. Perceptions of Alcotourism in Golden Sands, Bulgaria by Carla Bethmann
Chapter 9: Making Tourists Engaged by Vulnerable Communities in India by Natalia Bloch
Chapter 10: "Tasting East?" Food in Polish Travel Accounts from Russia: Encounters, Sensual Experience and Cultural Discourses by Agata Bachórz
Chapter 11: "Let's Make Laces in the Garden." Creative Tourism in Rural Poland by Anna Sznajder and Katarzyna Kosmala
Chapter 12: Towards Interpretative City Guiding. New Approaches and Services on the Example of Selected European Cities by Armin Mikos von Rohrscheidt
Chapter 13: Urban Exploration as an "Interior Tourism." Contemporary Ruins behind the "Iron Curtain" by Mägorzata Nieszczerzewska
Chapter 14: Recalling the Ruins of the Socialist Modernity. Touring Lost Places in Yugoslavia between Private Search of Identity and Cultural Heritage Tourism by Michael Zinganel
Chapter 15: The "Kodak Girl" on a Trip. Tourist Women from Polish Galicia in Family Photographs of 1910s-1930s by Mägorzata Radkiewicz
Afterword: Bridging Worlds: Opportunities and Challenges by Sabina Owsianowska and Magdalena Banaszkiewicz
About the author
Sabina Owsianowska is assistant professor in the Department of the Theory of Leisure and Tourism at the University of Physical Education in Krakow and lecturer at Jagiellonian University.
Magdalena Banaszkiewicz is assistant professor in the Institute of Intercultural Studies at Jagiellonian University and lecturer at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.
Anthropology of Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe explores traveling through case studies from Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, and Poland through an anthropological lens. The contributors of this volume touch on broader issues like identity, gender, visuality, memory, heritage, intercultural relationships, and globalization.