Fr. 41.40

The Wheels The Friendship Race - English Korean

Korean · Paperback / Softback

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English Korean Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kid studying English or Korean as their second language.

What is friendship? Join three good friends as they discover what real friendship means. They start a race, but decide to finish it together, helping a friend who got in trouble. This book will teach children positive friendship skills like sharing, supporting, and helping each other.

Product details

Authors Kidkiddos Books, Inna Nusinsky, S. A. Publishing
Publisher KidKiddos Books Ltd.
Languages Korean
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 04.09.2017
EAN 9781525904806
ISBN 978-1-5259-0480-6
No. of pages 32
Dimensions 216 mm x 216 mm x 3 mm
Weight 115 g
Series English Korean Bilingual Collection
English Korean Bilingual Colle
Subject Children's and young people's books > Play, learning > Languages

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