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Thermal Analysis in Practice - Fundamental Aspects. E-Book Bonus

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Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques used to determine the physical or chemical properties of a substance as it is heated, cooled, or held at constant temperature. It is particularly important for polymer characterization, but also has major application in analysis of pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs.

This comprehensive handbook presents practical and theoretical aspects of the key techniques of DSC, TGA, TMA, DMA, and related methods. It also includes separate chapters on the glass transition, polymers, polymorphism, purity determination, and method development. The large number of practical examples included should inspire readers toward new ideas for applications in their own fields of work. The chapters are independent of one another and can be read individually in any desired order.

Based on years of experience in thermal analysis of users, application specialists, consultants, and course instructors, this book provides practical help to newcomers, inexperienced users, and anyone else interested in the practical aspects of thermal analysis.

About the author

Dr. Matthias Wagner is product manager in thermal analysis at Mettler-Toledo in Switzerland. He was formerly an applications chemist for material characterization/thermal analysis at Mettler-Toledo. He received his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Zürich.


Thermal analysis comprises a group of techniques used to determine the physical or chemical properties of a substance as it is heated, cooled, or held at constant temperature. It is particularly important for polymer characterization, but also has major application in analysis of pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs.

This comprehensive handbook presents practical and theoretical aspects of the key techniques of DSC, TGA, TMA, DMA, and related methods. It also includes separate chapters on the glass transition, polymers, polymorphism, purity determination, and method development. The large number of practical examples included should inspire readers toward new ideas for applications in their own fields of work. The chapters are independent of one another and can be read individually in any desired order.

Based on years of experience in thermal analysis of users, application specialists, consultants, and course instructors, this book provides practical help to newcomers, inexperienced users, and anyone else interested in the practical aspects of thermal analysis.

Product details

Assisted by Matthia Wagner (Editor), matthias wagner (Editor)
Publisher Hanser Fachbuchverlag
Languages English
Product format Mixed media product
Released 11.09.2017
EAN 9781569906439
ISBN 978-1-56990-643-9
No. of pages 352
Dimensions 214 mm x 302 mm x 26 mm
Weight 1494 g
Illustrations w. col. figs.
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Technology > Chemical engineering

Werkstoffprüfung, Kunststofftechnik, Prüfverfahren, Fertigungstechnik und Ingenieurwesen, Polymere, Chemie/Physik der Kunststoffe, Werkstoffprüfung und Analytik

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