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The Museum of Shadows and Reflections

English, Turkish · Paperback / Softback

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Sometimes, we decide to try and live without our shadows. Sometimes we slip into someone else's and live in their shape for a while. But try as we might, the old shadows linger. They've grown dusty, perhaps, brittle and faded, but look there-straggling out behind you and before you-the shadows of every shape you ever were, or once hoped to be. And when a new shape grows too heavy, when it gnaws holes in you or binds you, when your feathers fall to the carpet or the sand drags you underground, all your old shadows are still there… waiting.

A hauntingly powerful new voice in British fiction, this highly anticipated short story collection from Claire Dean showcases fourteen stories of wonder and memory, wind and water, metamorphosis and regret.
Claire Dean's short stories have been widely published and are included in The Best British Short Stories 2011 & 2014 (Salt). Claire has worked as a bookseller, editor, project manager and lecturer, and is currently researching digital storymaking at Lancaster University. She lives in the north of England with her two sons.

About the author

Claire Dean, who also writes as Christy Yorke and Christy Cohen, is the author of 11 published novels, including Girlwood, Spirit Caller, and The Wishing Garden. She lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, Robert, and Jenny, a Great Dane/Labrador/Jerk mix. The pseudonym Claire Dean is taken from the names of the author's two children, and only used when she writes the books of her heart. Nature, and the forest in particular, has always been a vital part of the author's life, from spending her summer vacations at her father's cabin in Prescott, Arizona, to the home she and her husband built in the woods outside of Boise, to the electricity-less and haunted Idaho cabin she's been fortunate enough to summer in, and continually renovate. The friendly cabin ghost is named Mr. Jackson.

Product details

Authors Claire Dean
Assisted by Laura Rae (Illustration)
Publisher Papaveria Press
Languages English, Turkish
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 06.04.2017
EAN 9781907881619
ISBN 978-1-907881-61-9
No. of pages 128
Dimensions 140 mm x 210 mm x 9 mm
Weight 242 g
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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