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Guide to Ruminant Anatomy - Dissection and Clinical Aspects - Dissection and Clinical Aspects

English · Paperback / Softback

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Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspectspresents a concise, clinically relevant reference to goat and cattle anatomy, with color schematic illustrations and embalmed arterially injected prosection images for comparison.* Offers 244 color images depicting goat and cattle anatomy* Provides selected line drawings correlated to dissection images of embalmed arterially injected specimens* Takes a practical approach, with material organized by body system within each region* Demonstrates the clinical relevance of basic anatomy* Poses review questions in each chapter, with answers and videos provided on a companion website

List of contents

Preface xiiiAcknowledgments xvAbout the companion website xvii1 The Head, Neck, and Vertebral Column 11.1 Skull 21.2 Mandible 91.3 Paranasal Sinuses 91.4 Vertebral Column 141.5 Teeth and Age Estimation of Cattle and Small Ruminants (Goats and Sheep) 161.5.1 Definitions and Criteria for Estimating the Age of Ruminants 201.5.2 Steps for Estimating the Age of Cattle 221.6 Joints of the Head 241.6.1 Temporomandibular Joint 241.6.2 Atlantooccipital Joint 241.6.3 Mandibular Symphysis 241.6.4 Vertebral Joints 251.7 Muscles of the Head 251.7.1 Cutaneous Muscles 271.7.2 Muscles of Facial Expression 281.7.3 Muscles of Mastication 281.7.4 Pharyngeal Muscles Nomenclature of Pharyngeal Muscles 291.7.5 Laryngeal Muscles 291.7.6 Hyoid Muscles 291.7.7 Lingual Muscles 291.7.8 Extraocular Muscles 301.8 Blood Vessels, Lymph Nodes, and Nerves of the Head 301.8.1 Blood Vessels (Arteries and Veins) 301.8.2 Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck 331.8.3 Nerves of the Head 361.9 Salivary Glands 401.10 The Pharynx 401.10.1 Oropharynx 401.10.2 Nasopharynx 401.10.3 Laryngopharynx 411.11 Tongue 411.12 The Larynx and Hyoid Apparatus 431.12.1 Larynx 431.12.2 Hyoid Apparatus 441.13 The Eye 451.13.1 Superficial Features of the Eye 451.13.2 Layers of the Eye 471.13.3 Sectioning of the Eyeball 491.13.4 Drainage Pathway of the Aqueous Humor 491.14 Neck Skeleton 491.15 Neck Muscles, Nerves, and Vessels 511.15.1 Neck Muscles 511.15.2 Nerves of the Neck 561.15.3 Blood Vessels of the Neck 571.16 Nuchal Ligament 571.17 Surface Topography (Head and Neck) 581.18 Lab ID List for the Head and Neck 622 The Thorax 652.1 Introduction 662.2 Bones of the Thorax 662.3 Thoracic Inlet 672.4 Basal Border of the Lung and Area for Lung Auscultation 682.5 Diaphragmatic Line of Pleural Reflection 682.6 Muscles of the Thoracic Wall 692.7 Pleura 722.7.1 Parietal Pleura 732.7.2 Visceral Pleura 732.7.3 Connecting Pleura 732.7.4 Content of the Pleura 742.7.5 Lung Lobes 742.7.6 Mediastinum 742.8 Vessels (Arteries and Veins) 752.8.1 Blood Circulation: An Overview 752.9 Major Veins of the Thorax 762.9.1 Cranial Vena Cava 772.9.2 Caudal Vena Cava 772.9.3 Azygos Veins (Left and Right) 772.10 Major Arteries of the Thorax 772.10.1 Brachiocephalic Trunk 772.10.2 Costocervical Trunk 772.10.3 Vertebral Artery 772.10.4 Superficial Cervical Artery 782.10.5 Internal Thoracic Artery 782.11 Lymphatic Structures 782.11.1 Thymus 782.11.2 Thoracic Duct 782.11.3 Mediastinal and Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes 792.12 Nerves (Motor Somatic, Sympathetic, and Parasympathetic) 802.12.1 Phrenic Nerve 802.12.2 Autonomic Nerves in the Thorax 802.12.3 Vagus Nerve 802.12.4 Sympathetic Trunk and Sympathetic Ganglia 812.13 Heart (Cor) 812.13.1 Pericardium 822.13.2 External Features of the Heart 822.13.3 Interior of the Heart 852.14 Point of Maximum Intensity or Puncta Maxima 882.15 Lab ID List for the Thorax 883 The Abdomen 913.1 Lumbar Vertebrae 923.1.1 Bovine Lumbar Vertebrae 923.1.2 Goat and Sheep Lumbar Vertebrae 923.2 Ligaments of Lumbar Vertebrae 933.2.1 Supraspinous Ligament 933.2.2 Interspinous Ligaments 933.2.3 Intertransverse Ligaments 933.2.4 Yellow Ligaments (Interarcuate or Ligament Flava) 933.2.5 Dorsal and Ventral Longitudinal Ligaments 943.2.6 Intervertebral Disc 943.3 Abdominal Wall 943.3.1 Paralumbar Fossa 943.3.2 Nerves of the Paralumbar Fossa (Flank Anesthesia) 943.3.3 Cutaneus Trunci and Omobrachialis Muscles 953.3.4 Tunica Flava Abdominis 983.3.5 External Abdominal Oblique Muscle 983.3.6 Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle 1013.3.7 Transversus Abdominis Muscle 1023.3.8 Rectus Abdominis Muscle 1023.3.9 Rectus Sheath 1033.4 Abdominal Cavity 1033.4.1 Dissection Plan 1053.4.2 Peritoneum 1053.4.3 Omentum 1053.4.4 Ruminant Stomach 1103.5 Intestines 1223.5.1 Small Intestine 1243.5.2 Large Intestine 1283.6 Other Abdominal Organs 1303.6.1 Liver 1303.6.2 Spleen 1303.6.3 Pancreas 1303.6.4 Kidney 1303.7 Vessels 1343.7.1 Arteries 1353.7.2 Veins 1353.7.3 Lymphatics 1363.8 Palpation of the Live Animal 1373.9 Lab ID List for the Abdomen 1374 The Pelvis and Reproductive Organs 1394.1 Bones of the Pelvis 1404.1.1 Os Coxae (Pelvic Bone) 1404.2 Sacrosciatic Ligament 1414.3 Pelvic Peritoneal Pouches 1414.4 Urinary Bladder, Ureters, and Ligaments of the Bladder 1434.5 Male Genitalia 1434.5.1 Penis 1444.5.2 Male Urethra 1494.5.3 Prepuce 1504.5.4 Superficial Inguinal (Scrotal) Lymph Nodes 1514.5.5 Blood Supply to the Pelvic Viscera and Male Genitalia 1524.5.6 Testes 1524.5.7 Male Accessory Sex Glands 1564.6 Female Reproductive Tract 1574.6.1 Ovaries 1584.6.2 Uterine Tubes 1584.6.3 Uterine Horns 1584.6.4 Uterine Body 1594.6.5 Uterine Cervix 1594.6.6 Vagina 1614.6.7 Female Pudendum 1614.6.8 Blood Supply of the Female Genital Tract 1644.6.9 Udder 1644.7 Live Cow 1694.8 Lab ID List for the Pelvis and Reproductive Structures 1705 The Forelimb 1735.1 Introduction 1745.2 Bones of the Thoracic Limb 1745.2.1 Scapula 1745.2.2 Humerus 1765.2.3 Radius and Ulna 1775.2.4 Carpus (Proximal and Distal Rows) 1775.2.5 Metacarpal Bones (Large Metacarpal or Cannon Bone) 1795.2.6 Digits 1805.3 Muscles and Tendons of the Thoracic Limb 1815.3.1 Extrinsic Muscles of the Forelimb 1825.3.2 Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb 1875.4 Retinacula 2005.5 Carpal Canal 2005.6 Ligaments of the Digits 2015.6.1 Proximal Interdigital Ligament 2015.6.2 Distal Interdigital Ligament 2015.6.3 Annular Ligaments (Palmar, Proximal, and Distal Digital Annular Ligaments) 2015.6.4 Digital Annular Ligaments (Proximal and Distal) 2015.7 Hoof (Wall, Sole, Bulb, and White Line) 2015.8 Arteries and Nerves of the Thoracic Limb 2035.8.1 Nomenclature of Blood Vessels and Nerves in the Distal Limb 2035.9 Veins of the Forelimb 2055.10 Lymphatics of the Thoracic Limb 2065.11 Nerves of the Thoracic Limb 2075.11.1 Suprascapular Nerve 2075.11.2 Subscapular Nerve 2075.11.3 Axillary Nerve 2085.11.4 Musculocutaneous Nerve 2095.11.5 Radial Nerve 2095.11.6 Median and Ulnar Nerves 2125.12 Joints of the Forelimbs 2125.12.1 Shoulder Joint 2135.12.2 Elbow Joint 2145.12.3 Carpal Joints 2145.12.4 Digital Joints 2156 The Hind Limb 2176.1 Bones of the Hind Limb 2186.1.1 Os Coxae (Hip Bone) 2186.1.2 Femur (Thighbone) 2186.1.3 Bones of the Leg (Crus) 2216.1.4 Tarsal Bones 2226.1.5 Fused Metatarsals III and IV (Large Metatarsal Bone) 2236.1.6 Metatarsal Sesamoid Bone 2246.2 Muscles of the Pelvic Limb 2246.2.1 Muscles Acting on the Hip Joint 2246.2.2 Muscles Acting on the Stifle Joint 2316.2.3 Muscles Acting on the Hock and Digits 2336.3 Blood Vessels and Nerves of the Hind Limbs 2386.3.1 Overview of Arterial Blood Supply to the Whole Hind Limb 2396.3.2 Veins of the Hind Limb 2416.3.3 Lymphatic Structures of the Hind Limb 2426.3.4 Nerves of the Hind Limb 2436.4 Joints of the Hind Limb 2496.4.1 Hip Joint 2496.4.2 Stifle Joint 2496.4.3 Hock (or Tarsus) Joint 2506.5 Live Cow 2506.6 Lab ID List for Forelimb and Hind Limb 250Appendix A Dissection Instructions for a Goat Cadaver 255A.1 Dissection Labs 255A.2 Dissection of Goat Neck and Body Cavities (Labs, 1, 2, and 3) 255A.2.1 Removal of the Thoracic Limb 255A.2.2 Removal of the Pelvic (Hind) Limb 256A.2.3 Skinning of the Neck and Flank on the Side Where the Limbs are Removed 256A.2.4 Opening the Thorax and Abdomen for Studying the Topography on the Left and Right Sides 257A.2.5 Thorax 258A.2.6 Abdomen (In Situ and on Extirpated Viscera) 260A.3 Dissection of Male and Female Pelvis (Lab 4) 260A.4 Head Dissection (Lab 5) 261A.5 Forelimb Dissection (Labs 6 and 7) 261A.6 Hind Limb Dissection (Labs 8 and 9) 261Appendix B Further Reading 263Index 265

About the author

Mahmoud Mansour, DVM, PhD is Professor of Veterinary Anatomy at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA.

Ray Wilhite, MS, PhD is Anatomy Laboratory Coordinator at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA.

Joe Rowe, DVM is Anatomy Instructor at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, USA


Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspectspresents a concise, clinically relevant reference to goat and cattle anatomy, with color schematic illustrations and embalmed arterially injected prosection images for comparison.


?The content material is clearly presented in 6 extremely well-organized chapters, each with a title and image of the relevant regional ruminant anatomy?.This book is intended to be and will likely be most useful as a dissection guide for students; however, its organization will make it a beneficial addition to the library of clinicians as well.? JAVMA, January 2018

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