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Performance and Participation - Practices, Audiences, Politics

English · Hardback

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This edited collection gathers together leading voices in theatre and performance studies to debate the politics of participation and find points of connection across a range of performative forms - including community theatre, live art, applied theatre, one-to-one performance and marathon running. Arranged in three sections, ''Recognising Participation'', ''Labours of Participation'', and ''Authoring Participation'', the book raises productive questions about how and why audiences are encouraged to participate in creating the artistic work. This intersection, the authors suggest, blurs the boundaries between producer and consumer, promising modes of engagement that are at once political, social and aesthetic. Applying theoretical ideas to concrete discussions of practice, this is an ideal resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied theatre, political and socially-engaged theatre, participatory theatre making and performance studies.>

Product details

Authors Ann Harpin, Anna Harpin, Anna Nicholson Harpin, Helen Nicholson, Anna Six
Assisted by Anna Harpin (Editor), Helen Nicholson (Editor)
Publisher Macmillan
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 07.10.2016
EAN 9781137393173
ISBN 978-1-137-39317-3
No. of pages 244
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art > Theatre, ballet

Theater, B, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Contemporary Theatre and Performance, Contemporary Theatre, performance;theatre;participation;audience

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