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The You Are Your Own Gym - The Cookbook: 125 Delicious Recipes for Cooking Your Way to a Great

English · Paperback / Softback

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Informationen zum Autor Mark Lauren spent fifteen years as a military physical-training specialist for the Special Operations community. Now a sought-after personal trainer to civilian men and women of all fitness levels, a triathlete, and a champion Thai boxer, he is the author of the internationally popular body-weight bibles You Are Your Own Gym, Body by You, and Body Fuel. He lives in Tampa, Florida, and Phuket, Thailand. Klappentext 125 delicious recipes that adhere to fitness phenomenon Mark Lauren's unique "calorie shifting" nutritional philosophy to help you cook your way to weight loss! muscle gain! and improved fitness performance. Just as you don't need a fancy gym membership to get the best workout of your life! you don't need fancy kitchen skills or a personal chef to keep your body optimally fueled. You Are Your Own Gym: The Cookbook capitalizes on ingredients that are fresh and affordable! and simple preparations you'll want to make again and again. Categorizing meals as either fast-fueling or slow-fueling (depending on the carbohydrate content)! Lauren's recipes cover your needs for breakfast! lunch! dinner! snacks! smoothies! and even dessert! Filled with tempting photos of delicious meals! handy shopping lists! and sample menus to help you fulfill all your fitness goals! You Are Your Own Gym: The Cookbook is your best bet for building a stronger! leaner! healthier you with each satisfying bite. Chapter 1 Cook Your Way to a Great Body With this cookbook, you’ll be creating delicious meals that support my secret weapon for fat loss and muscle building, which I introduced in Body Fuel: calorie cycling. Unlike the typical calorie-­restrictive diet, in which you stick to a static, low-­calorie plan, calorie cycling periodically changes your caloric intake, up or down; your calories never stay constant for more than a few weeks. By jerking your metabolism around so that it never gets sluggish but keeps burning fat, calorie cycling naturally leads to more body-­firming muscle and less unsightly (and unhealthful) fat. This concept is similar to what happens when you change your workout volume and intensity from time to time in order to keep your body adapting to new stimuli. Periodic changes in your caloric intake (volume) and strictness of your fuel choices (intensity) do the same thing. Calorie cycling leads to more muscle and less fat than if you were to follow the same diet for four weeks straight or longer. Calorie cycling also prevents diet plateauing, in which you seem to stop losing weight, or you find that your clothes aren’t getting looser anymore. You’re stuck. Every serious athlete, exerciser, or dieter has been there and done that. With calorie cycling, there’s less likelihood of plateauing until you have reached your target weight, because there’s more change, and that equals more adaptation. On my plan, you’re also encouraged to eat a wider range of foods than most weight-­loss diets prescribe. That’s because many of the foods (such as fruit and other carbs) normally restricted on diets purely about weight loss are actually required for building muscle and recovering from good, hard workouts. Fast Fuel, Slow Fuel When you are calorie-­cycling, the adjustment of calories—­up or down—­comes primarily from the carbohydrates you choose. I look at carbs as “slow” or “fast” based on the speed at which the body absorbs them. All carbohydrates must be converted to glucose, a type of sugar, before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Carbs are absorbed at either a fast rate or a slow rate. That rate of absorption produces a proportionately strong release of the hormone insulin, which regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. When we eat carbs that absorb quickly (fast-­fuel carbs), such as candy, soda, fruit, or fruit juice, an insulin surge rapidly depletes blood sugar and converts these carbs to f...

Product details

Authors Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, Mark Lauren, Mark/ Greenwood-Robinson Lauren
Publisher Ballantine Books Inc.
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 31.01.2017
EAN 9780553395006
ISBN 978-0-553-39500-6
No. of pages 288
Dimensions 207 mm x 234 mm x 20 mm
Subject Guides > Food & drink > Healthy cuisine, light cuisine

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