Fr. 26.50

Power and Decision - The Social Control of Reproduction

English · Paperback / Softback

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This volume brings together feminist social and biomedical scholars from the Southern and Northern hemispheres to examine the aggregate forces that affect reproductive choice.

Product details

Authors Gita Sen
Assisted by Gita Sen (Editor), Rachel Snow (Editor), Rachel C. Snow (Editor)
Publisher Harvard University Press
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 01.01.1994
EAN 9780674695337
ISBN 978-0-674-69533-7
No. of pages 330
Weight 485 g
Illustrations 9 tables
Series Harvard Series on Population &
Department of Population & International Health S.
Harvard Series on Population and International Health
Department of Population & International Health S.
Subject Social sciences, law, business > Business > Management

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