Fr. 18.50

Coping with Headaches and Migraine - Master your triggers, manage your pain

English · Paperback / Softback

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Headaches and migraine affect up to 10 million people in the UK and are one of the common problems seen in doctors' surgeries and emergency departments. The profound effect they have on daily life means that they are now viewed by the World Health Organisation as one of the world's most disabling diseases. This new edition of Coping with Headaches and Migraine explains how lifestyle measures can help and updates the research on causes, treatments and ways to cope. It explores genetic factors in migraine and the increasing use of non-drug treatments such as nerve stimulation. Topics include: migraine and its varying symptoms, cluster headache, tension headache, daily headaches, medication overuse headache, causes and triggers, medical help and drugs, diet, exercise, lifestyle, non-drug strategies and complementary remedies, headaches affecting women at various stages of their lives, research and future approaches to treatment.

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