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Klappentext What characteristics and values define a country? Which countries are particularly successful in terms of education! economics! or culture? In this book! Monocle provides a global perspective on the distinct qualities of nations. Monocle's books with Gestalten have shown you how to build a better life! business! and home. But now Monocle raises the bar: how do you run a great country? They are not talking about might! muscle! or nationalism-although you need a bit of a swagger every now and then. They are talking about a country that feels like a cohesive community! knows what to value! and goes out into the world to gently get its way with soft power! fine ambassadors! and compelling cultural offerings. At home! this country celebrates good education! well-made institutions! and its own people and their skills. How to Make a Nation: A Monocle Guide is a thought-provoking primer that informs and inspires. The best ideas don't need to be invented-they need to be found and copied. Let Monocle be your guide. Based in London and acclaimed the world over! MONOCLE has delivered a unique briefing on global affairs! business! culture! and design since it was founded by Tyler Brûlé in 2007. Alongside the magazine! Monocle has created a 24-hour radio station! a film-rich website! retail ventures around the globe! and cafes in Tokyo and London. Zusammenfassung Was sind die besonderen Qualitäten eines Landes! welche Werte verkörpert es! wie kann ein Land international erfolgreich sein? Bildung! Wirtschaft! Kultur - welches Land macht was besonders gut? Monocles globale Sicht auf nationale eigen- und Besonderheiten .

Product details

Authors Collectif, Monocle
Assisted by Stev Bloomfield (Editor), Steve Bloomfield (Editor), Monocl (Editor), Monocle (Editor)
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 01.04.2016
EAN 9783899556483
ISBN 978-3-89955-648-3
Weight 1400 g
Subjects Humanities, art, music > Art > Interior design, design

Verwaltung, Nation, Lifestyle, Politik, Style, Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Zeitgenössische Lifestyle-Literatur, Lifestyle und persönliche Styleguides, Ratgeber: Leben und Arbeiten im Ausland, Staaten, Monocle

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