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Magnificat, Ondanomala, 1 Audio-CD (Audio book) - Suite per biciletta e orchestra

Italian · Audio book


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Magnificat: Meditation for piano and orchestra
Vivaldi. In memoriam
Ondanomala: Vajont, 13 October 1963
Suite per bicicletta and orchestra: I. Paesaggi
Suite per bicicletta and orchestra: II. Pianure
Suite per bicicletta and orchestra: III. Altezze
Suite per bicicletta and orchestra: IV. Traguardi

Product details

Authors Cristian Carrara, Orchestre Lyrique E, Flavio Emilio Scogna
Publisher Edel Music & Entertainment CD / DVD
Languages Italian
Product format CD-Audio
Released 02.10.2015
EAN 5028421952130
Dimensions 124 mm x 142 mm x 8 mm
Weight 104 g
Subjects Guides > Hobby, home > Singing, making music
Humanities, art, music > Music

Klassische Musik s.a. Einzelkomponist

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