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Informationen zum Autor Mrs Stueart Erskine Klappentext Anyone coming from Europe with so much interest centring in the Middle Ages has to accustom the eyes to a new focus. It is as if he were to come from a well-kept garden to life in mid-ocean, stretching the eyes over a waste of waters. Everything is so old in the East; and being so old, is apt to be fragmentary. Civilizations come and go; nations have their rise, their period of prosperity, and then they disappear... Zusammenfassung First published in 2008. From the text: Anyone coming from Europe which so much interest centring in the Middle Ages has to customize the eyes to a new focus. It is as if he were to come from a well-kept garden to life in mid-oceans, stretching the eyes over a waste of waters. Everything is so old in the East; and being so old, is apt to be fragmentary. Civilizations come and go; nations have their rise, the of period pf prosperity and then they disappear... Inhaltsverzeichnis I. SUNRISE II. PETRA .III. THE N ABAT JEAN CITY IV. THE KHAZNE FUR'UN V. PRE-ROMAN PETRA .VI. ROMAN PETRA VII. THE CRUSADERS' CASTLE VIII. KERAK IX. A FEUDAL CASTLE .X. KERAK BESIEGED XI. THE CITIES OF THE PLAIN XII. AROER AND MACH.£RUS XIII. THE DESERT XIV. MADEBA XV. RABBOTH AMMON XVI. PHILADELPHIA XVII. THE DECAPOLIS XVIII. THE CITADEL XIX. PTOLEMY PHILADELPHUS II AND THE GREEK THEATRE XX. THE NABATAEANS AGAIN XXI. JERASH XXII. THE STORY OF GERASA XXIII. THE TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS XXIV. THE THEATRE XXV. THE SILVER AGE XXVI. THE NEO-PLATONISTS XXVII. ARAB GEOGRAPHERS AND CHRISTIAN PILGRIMS XXVIII. SUNSET