Product details
Authors | Sigrid Damm |
Publisher | Insel Verlag |
Languages | German |
Product format | Paperback / Softback |
Released | 07.11.2015 |
EAN | 9783458361176 |
ISBN | 978-3-458-36117-6 |
No. of pages | 251 |
Dimensions | 119 mm x 191 mm x 25 mm |
Weight | 299 g |
Series |
insel taschenbuch Insel Taschenbücher insel taschenbuch Insel Taschenbücher |
Subjects |
> Narrative literature
> Letters, diaries
Humanities, art, music > Linguistics and literary studies > German linguistics / literary studies Non-fiction book > Psychology, esoterics, spirituality, anthroposophy > Biographies, autobiographies Biographien (div.), Porträt, Goethe, Cornelia, Goethe, Biographie, eintauchen, auseinandersetzen, Weimar-Preis 2020, Thüringer Literaturpreis 2005, Otto-Braun-Ehrengabe der Deutschen Schillerstiftung 1997 |
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