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Handbook of Spallation Research - Theory, Experiments and Applications

English · Hardback

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This detailed and comprehensive reference to spallation -- from the foundations to the latest applications is the only work of its kind and is written by two internationally renowned researchers. Clearly divided into three parts, it begins with the basic principles, while the second part describes the proton-nucleus and proton-matter experiments so-called thin and thick target experiments in terms of secondary particle production as hadrons, pions, muons, photons, electrons, light and intermediate masses, isotope production, heating and energy deposition and materials damage.Many of the experiments are associated with studies, investigations and the construction of spallation neutron sources since 1975 with emphasis on the most recent developments. The final part on technology and applications describes the various engineering problems associated with high intensity neutron spallation sources, ATW's, the needed accelerator systems, material and neutron issues, and high energy neutron source shielding aspects.A must-have for engineers and physicists working in or entering this field.

List of contents

Part 1 PRINCIPLES1. The Spallation Process2. The Intra-Nuclear Cascade Models3. Evaporation and High Energy Fission4. The Particle Transport in Matter5. Particle Transport Simulation Code Systems6. Materials Damage by High Energy Neutrons and Charged Particles7. Shielding Issues8. The Basic Parameters of Spallation Neutron SourcesPart 2 EXPERIMENTS9. Why Spallation Physics Experiments?10. Proton-Nucleus Induced Secondary Particle Production - The "Thin" Target Experiments11. Proton-Matter Induced Secondary Particle Production - The "Thick" Target Experiments12. Neutron Production by proton, antiproton, deuteron, pion, and kaon Projectiles13. Experiments to Study the Performance of Spallation Neutron Sources14. Experiments on Radiation Damage in a Spallation Environment15. Experiments to Shield High Energy Neutrons of Spallation SourcesPart 3 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS16. Proton Drivers for Particle Production17. The Accelerator based Neutron Spallation Sources18. Target Engineering19. Research with Neutrons20. Accelerator Transmutation of Nuclear Waste - ATW21. Accelerator Production of Electrical Energy - Energy Amplifying22. Advanced Applications of Spallation Physics23. Space Missions and Radiation in SpaceAPPENDIXA. Values of Fundamental Physical Constants and RelationsB. Basic Definitions in Nuclear Technology Concerning the Fuel CycleC. Material Properties of Structure and Target MaterialsD. Moderator and Reflector MaterialsE. Shielding MaterialsBibliographyIndex

About the author

Detlef Filges studied physics at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany, and received his Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) from the RWTH Aachen ,Germany, in 1977. He worked from 1968-1972 at BBC/Krupp company on rector technology and accepted a post at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH in 1972. From 1985 to 2004 he was there a leading scientist and since 1994 deputy director at the Institute for Nuclear Physics. Since 1992 he teaches reactor physics and nuclear physics as well as radiation protection and safety at the Bergische Universität, Wuppertal,Germany. From 1995 to 2004, he also gave lectures and courses as a visiting professor at the Technische Universität Graz, Austria, on spallation physics and particle transport in matter. Professor Filges? research interests focus on medium and high energy particle physics, spallation physics, spallation sources, reactor physics and fusion technology. He is the author of more than 550 scientific papers.

Frank Goldenbaum studied physics at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, and received his Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) degree from CERN, Geneva, and Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin, in 1996. After a two years CEA appointment at the Grand Accelerateur National d?Ions Lourds, France, in 1998 he was offered a post at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, which he still holds. Since 1993 he has been actively researching in nuclear reaction mechanisms such as spallation physics, multifragmentation, fission and vaporization in the intermediate and high energy regime. PD.Dr.habil.F.Goldenbaum is an active member of several collaborations performing spallation experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (FZ-Jülich, Germany) and spokesman of the international PISA (Proton Induced SpAllation) group. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers.


Zwei international anerkannte Experten legen diesen Band zur Spallationsforschung vor, der sich übersichtlich in drei Teile gliedert: Grundprinzipen, Experimente, Stand der Technologie und Anwendungen.

Product details

Authors Detle Filges, Detlef Filges, Frank Goldenbaum
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 31.03.2015
EAN 9783527407149
ISBN 978-3-527-40714-9
No. of pages 767
Dimensions 178 mm x 247 mm x 43 mm
Weight 1622 g
Illustrations 500 SW-Abb., 18 Farbabb.
Subjects Natural sciences, medicine, IT, technology > Physics, astronomy > Atomic physics, nuclear physics

Physik, Energietechnik, Energie, Kernphysik, Teilchenphysik, ENERGY, Festkörperphysik, Physics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear & High Energy Physics, Kern- u. Hochenergiephysik, Power Technology & Power Engineering

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