Fr. 26.90

Games | Game Design | Game Studies; . - An Introduction

English · Paperback / Softback

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How did games rise to become the central audiovisual form of expression and storytelling in digital culture? How did the practices of their artistic production come into being? How did the academic analysis of the new medium's social effects and cultural meaning develop?Addressing these fundamental questions and aspects of digital game culture in a holistic way for the first time, Gundolf S. Freyermuth's introduction outlines the media-historical development phases of analog and digital games, the history and artistic practices of game design, as well as the history, academic approaches, and most important research topics of game studies.With contributions by André Czauderna, Nathalie Pozzi and Eric Zimmerman.

About the author

Prof. Dr. phil. Gundolf S. Freyermuth lehrt Angewandte Medienwissenschaft an der Internationalen Filmschule Köln und ist Gründungsdirektor des Cologne Game Lab. Er forscht zu digitaler Audiovisualität, Cross- bzw. Transmedialität, Games und Netzwerkkultur.

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