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Meditations for Loving Yourself to Great Health (Audio book) - Unabridged Edition

English · Audio book


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An audio programme that offers guided meditations to support you in changing your way of life to one that focuses on nourishing your body and treating it with love. It helps you to feel more grounded, to cherish and accept your body, to deepen your intuition about your body's needs and to shift to more positive thoughts in all areas of your life.

Product details

Authors Heather Dane, Louise Hay, Louise L. Hay, Ahlea Khadro
Publisher Hay House
Languages English
Product format CD-Audio
Released 07.10.2014
EAN 9781781804971
ISBN 978-1-78180-497-1
Dimensions 142 mm x 124 mm x 10 mm
Series Hay house audios
Hay house audios
Subjects Guides > Spirituality > Esoterics
Non-fiction book > Psychology, esoterics, spirituality, anthroposophy > Esoterics: general, reference works

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