Fr. 41.90

A Midsummer Night's Dream

English · Hardback

New edition in preparation, currently unavailable


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Informationen zum Autor SIR JONATHAN BATE is Professor of Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature, University of Warwick, UK, and the editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He has held visiting posts at Harvard, Yale and UCLA and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a Fellow of the British Academy, an Honorary Fellow of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, and a Governor and Board member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. A prominent critic, award-winning biographer and broadcaster, he is the author of several books on Shakespeare, including The Genius of Shakespeare (Picador), which was praised by Sir Peter Hall, founder of the RSC, as "the best modern book on Shakespeare." In June 2006 he was awarded a CBE by HM The Queen 'for services to Higher Education'. ERIC RASMUSSEN is Professor of English at the University of Nevada, USA, and the Textual Editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He is co-editor of the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama and has edited volumes in both the Arden Shakespeare and Oxford World's Classics series. He is the General Textual Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions project - one of the most visited Shakespeare websites in the world. For over nine years he has written the annual review of editions and textual studies for the Shakespeare Survey. Klappentext From the Royal Shakespeare Company - a modern, definitive edition of Shakespeare's most loved comedy. With an expert introduction by Sir Jonathan Bate, this unique edition presents a historical overview of A Midsummer Night's Dream in performance, takes a detailed look at specific productions, and recommends film versions. Included in this edition are three interviews with leading directors Michael Boyd, Gregory Doran and Tim Supple, providing an illuminating insight into the extraordinary variety of interpretations that are possible. This edition also includes an essay on Shakespeare's career and Elizabethan theatre, and enables the reader to understand the play as it was originally intended - as living theatre to be enjoyed and performed. Ideal for students, theatre-goers, actors and general readers, the RSC Shakespeare editions offer a fresh, accessible and contemporary approach to reading and rediscovering Shakespeare's works for the twenty-first century. Zusammenfassung From the Royal Shakespeare Company – a modern, definitive edition of Shakespeare’s most loved comedy. With an expert introduction by Sir Jonathan Bate, this unique edition presents a historical overview of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in performance, takes a detailed look at specific productions, and recommends film versions. Included in this edition are three interviews with leading directors Michael Boyd, Gregory Doran and Tim Supple, providing an illuminating insight into the extraordinary variety of interpretations that are possible. This edition also includes an essay on Shakespeare’s career and Elizabethan theatre, and enables the reader to understand the play as it was originally intended – as living theatre to be enjoyed and performed.Ideal for students, theatre-goers, actors and general readers, the RSC Shakespeare editions offer a fresh, accessible and contemporary approach to reading and rediscovering Shakespeare’s works for the twenty-first century. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction to the Play Magical thinking Metamorphosis The Festive World 'The poet's eye... the poet's pen' Introduction to the Text Key Facts A Midsummer Night's Dream Textual Notes Scene-by-Scene Analysis A Midsummer Night's Dream in Performance: The RSC and Beyond Four Centuries of the Dream: An Overview At the Royal Shakespeare Company The Director's Cut: Interviews with Michael Boyd, Gregory Doran, Tim Supple Shakespeare's Career in the Theatre Shakespeare's Works: A Chronology Further Reading and Viewing Acknowledgements and Picture Credits....

Product details

Authors Jonathan Bate, Eric Rasmussen, William Shakespeare
Publisher Bloomsbury Academic
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 01.09.2008
EAN 9780230217881
ISBN 978-0-230-21788-1
No. of pages 184
Dimensions 135 mm x 205 mm x 15 mm
Series The RSC Shakespeare
Rsc Shakespeare
Subjects Children's and young people's books
Fiction > Narrative literature

B, Shakespeare, History, Early Modern and Renaissance Literature, Literature, Modern, Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616

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