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Zusatztext No matter how you divide up the developing world -- 'formal-informal',' legal -- 'extra-legal' --(my preference)one thing is not debatable: most people are poor, on the outside of the system looking in, and getting angrier every day. The message of this book is its time to stop talking and start designing reforms -- based on the informal practices and organizations that poor entrepreneurs already use. I second that motion. If you rebuild the system from the bottom-up, they will come -- with their enterprise, creativity, and piles of potential capital. Informationen zum Autor Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis is, since 2002, a research fellow and project director at UNU-WIDER. Previous appointments include IGIDR (Mumbai), the EXIM Bank of India (Bangalore) ICRIER (New Delhi), and as a research consultant for several international organizations.Ravi Kanbur is T.H. Lee Professor of World Affairs, International Professor of Applied Economics and Management, and Professor of Economics at Cornell University, and previously Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, and Chief Economist for Africa at the World Bank.Elinor Ostrom was Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science at Indiana University. She was also Co-Director, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and Co-Director, Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change (CIPEC) at Indiana University. She was a member of the Expert Group on Development Issues of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Klappentext more nolume brings together a significant new collection of studies on formality and informality in developing countries. Containing contributions from some of the very best analysts in development studies, the volume is multidisciplinary in nature, with contributions from anthropologists, economists, sociologists, and political scientists. Zusammenfassung The concepts of formal and informal remain central to the theory and practice of development more than half a century after they were introduced into the debate. They help structure the way that statistical services collect data on the economies of developing countries, the development of theoretical and empirical analysis, and, most important, the formulation and implementation of policy.This volume brings together a significant new collection of studies on formality and informality in developing countries. The volume is multidisciplinary in nature, with contributions from anthropologists, economists, sociologists, and political scientists. It contains contributions from among the very best analysts in development studies.Between them the chapters argue for moving beyond the formal-informal dichotomy. Useful as it has proven to be, a more nuanced approach is needed in light of conceptual and empirical advances, and in light of the policy failures brought about by a characterization of the 'informal' as 'disorganized'. The wealth of empirical information in these studies, and in the literature more widely, can be used to develop guiding principles for intervention that are based on ground level reality. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1: Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Ravi Kanbur, and Elinor Ostrom: Beyond Formality and Informality Concepts and Measurement 2: Keith Hart: Bureaucratic Form and the Informal Economy 3: Robert K. Christensen: The Global Path: Soft Law and Non-sovereigns Formalizing the Potency of the Informal Sector 4: Alice Sindzingre: The Relevance of the Concepts of Formality and Informality: A Theoretical Appraisal 5: Martha Alter Chen: Rethinking the Informal Economy: Linkages with the Formal Economy and the Formal Regulatory Environment 6: M. R. Narayana: Formal and Informal Enterprises: Concept, Definition, and Measurement Issues in India Empirical Studies of Policies and Interlinking 7: Norman V. Loayza, Ana María Oviedo, and Luis Servén: The Impact of Regulation on Growth...