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Central Greece and the Politics of Power in the Fourth Century Bc

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor JOHN BUCKLER is Emeritus Professor of Greek History. Selected publications include The Theban Hegemony, 371-362 B.C. (1980), Philip II and the Sacred War (1989) and Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century B.C. (2003). Klappentext Approaches fourth-century Greek history from the perspective of Thebes and neighbouring Phocis. Zusammenfassung Approaches Greek political and military history in the fourth century BC from the perspective of Thebes and neighbouring Phocis. The authors uncover the dynamic tension between local affairs and the wider transformation of the Greek world on the eve of Macedonian conquest. Inhaltsverzeichnis Prologue: power politics in fourth-century Greece; Part I. Alliance: 1. A survey of Theban and Athenian relations between 403 and 371 BC; 2. The incident at Mt. Parnassus, 395 BC; 3. The Battle of Coronea and its historiographical legacy; 4. The King's Peace, alliance, and Phoebidas' strike (382 BC); 5. Sphodrias' raid and the evolution of the Athenian League; Part II. Hegemony: 6. The re-establishment of the boeotarchia (378 BC); 7. The Battle of Tegyra, 375 BC; 8. Plutarch on Leuctra; 9. Alliance and hegemony in fourth-century Greece: the case of the Theban hegemony; 10. Xenophon's speeches and the Theban hegemony; 11. The phantom synedrion of the Boeotian Confederacy, 378-335 BC; 12. Boeotian Aulis and Greek naval bases; 13. Epaminondas and the new Inscription from Cnidus; Part III. Domination: 14. Thebes, Delphi, and the outbreak of the Sacred War; 15. Pammenes, the Persians, and the Sacred War; 16. Philip II, the Greeks, and the King, 346-336 BC; 17. A note on the Battle of Chaeronea; 18. Philip's designs on Greece; 19. Epilogue.

Product details

Authors Hans Beck, Hans (Mcgill University Beck, John Buckler, John Beck Buckler
Publisher Cambridge University Press ELT
Languages English
Product format Hardback
Released 24.04.2008
EAN 9780521837057
ISBN 978-0-521-83705-7
No. of pages 336
Subject Humanities, art, music > History > Antiquity

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