Fr. 48.90

Practical Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius

English · Paperback / Softback

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Klappentext Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. TEAM ARDUINO UP WITH ANDROID FOR SOME MISCHIEVOUS FUN! Filled with practical, do-it-yourself gadgets, Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius shows you how to create Arduino devices and control them with Android smartphones and tablets. Easy-to-find equipment and components are used for all the projects in the book. This wickedly inventive guide covers the Android Open Application Development Kit (ADK) and USB interface and explains how to use them with the basic Arduino platform. Methods of communication between Android and Arduino that don't require the ADK--including sound, Bluetooth, and WiFi/Ethernet are also discussed. An Arduino ADK programming tutorial helps you get started right away. Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius: Contains step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrationsProvides tips for customizing the projectsCovers the underlying principles behind the projectsRemoves the frustration factor--all required parts are listedProvides all source code on the book's website Build these and other devious devices: Bluetooth robotAndroid Geiger counterAndroid-controlled light showTV remoteTemperature loggerUltrasonic range finderHome automation controllerRemote power and lighting controlSmart thermostatRFID door lockSignaling flagsDelay timer Zusammenfassung Featuring two hot technologies! this book shows electronic hobbyists and experimenters how to create cool Arduino devices and use their Android smartphones and tablets to monitor and control them! Inhaltsverzeichnis Part One: Android Peripherals 1. Bluetooth Robot 2. Android Geiger Counter 3. Android Light Show 4. TV Remote 5. Temperature Logger 6. Ultrasonic Range Finder Part Two: Home Automation 7. Home Automation Controller 8. Power Control 9. Smart Thermostat 10. RFID Door Lock 11. Signaling Flags 12. Delay Timer Appendix: Open Accessory Primer Index...

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