Fr. 93.60

Personal Media and Everyday Life - A Networked Lifeworld

English · Hardback

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Informationen zum Autor Terje Rasmussen is Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway. His books in English include Social Theory and Communication Technology and Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovations in Digital Domains (with Gunnar Liestøl and Andrew Morrison). Klappentext This book addresses the widespread use of digital personal media in daily life. With a sociological and historical perspective, it explores the media-enhanced individualization and rationalization of the lifeworld, discussing the dramatic mediatization of daily life and calling on theorists such as McLuhan, Habermas and Goffman. Zusammenfassung This book addresses the widespread use of digital personal media in daily life. With a sociological and historical perspective! it explores the media-enhanced individualization and rationalization of the lifeworld! discussing the dramatic mediatization of daily life and calling on theorists such as McLuhan! Habermas and Goffman. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Introduction: Personal Media 2. Encircling the Person 3. A Networked Lifeworld 4. Communication in Personal Media 5. Personal Media Theory 6. Personal Media and Social Capital

List of contents

1. Introduction: Personal Media 2. Encircling the Person 3. A Networked Lifeworld 4. Communication in Personal Media 5. Personal Media Theory 6. Personal Media and Social Capital

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