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Sociologist and the Historian

English · Paperback / Softback

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In 1988, the renowned sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the leading historian Roger Chartier met for a series of lively discussions that were broadcast on French public radio. Published here for the first time, these conversations are an accessible and engaging introduction to the work of these two great thinkers, who discuss their work and explore the similarities and differences between their disciplines with the clarity and frankness of the spoken word.
Bourdieu and Chartier discuss some of the core themes of Bourdieu's work, such as his theory of fields, his notions of habitus and symbolic power and his account of the relation between structures and individuals, and they examine the relevance of these ideas to the study of historical events and processes. They also discuss at length Bourdieu's work on culture and aesthetics, including his work on Flaubert and Manet and his analyses of the formation of the literary and artistic fields. Reflecting on the differences between sociology and history, Bourdieu and Chartier observe that while history deals with the past, sociology is dealing with living subjects who are often confronted with discourses that speak about them, and therefore it disrupts, disconcerts and encounters resistance in ways that few other disciplines do.
This unique dialogue between two great figures is a testimony to the richness of Bourdieu's thought and its enduring relevance for the humanities and social sciences today.

List of contents

Preface vii
1. The Sociologist's Craft 1
2. Illusions and Knowledge 19
3. Structures and the Individual 36
4. Habitus and Field 51
5. Manet, Flaubert and Michelet 6

About the author

Pierre Bourdieu (eigentlich Pierre-Félix Bourdieu; 1. August 1930 in Denguin, Pyrénées-Atlantiques; 23. Januar 2002 in Paris) war einer der bekanntesten Soziologen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er studierte Philosophie in Paris an der École Normale Supérieure und arbeitete als Lehrer. Seit 1981 hatte Bourdieu einen Lehrstuhl am Collège de France. Im Jahre 1993 wurde er mit der "Médaille d'or du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS) ausgezeichnet. Pierre Bourdieus soziologische Forschungen, zumeist im Alltagsleben verwurzelt, waren vorwiegend empirisch orientiert. Er war bekannt als politisch interessierter und aktiver Intellektueller, der sich gegen die herrschende Elite und den Neoliberalismus wandte.


In 1988, the renowned sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the leading historian Roger Chartier met for a series of lively discussions that were broadcast on French public radio.


"These dialogues have been compiled for the first time in English and are a welcome return to Bourdieu's groundbreaking thinking... Bourdieu comes across as a lively and multidisciplinary scientist who, in questioning the architecture beneath actions, has genuinely introduced the possibility for freedom."
Morning Star

Product details

Authors P Bourdieu, Pierr Bourdieu, Pierre Bourdieu, Pierre (College de France) Bourdieu, Pierre Chartier Bourdieu, Roger Chartier, Roger (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Chartier
Publisher Polity Press
Languages English
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 24.04.2015
EAN 9780745679594
ISBN 978-0-7456-7959-4
No. of pages 100
Subject Humanities, art, music > History > General, dictionaries

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